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AmazingSuperiority's City Escape History

Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Mission 4 | Mission 5
Stat Rank Order Desc Date Comment
3:07:35 319/326 12-28-24
318/324 05-18-24
317/323 03-06-23
316/322 09-14-22
315/321 08-26-22
314/320 08-26-22
313/319 08-22-22
312/318 08-10-22
311/317 01-09-22
310/316 09-10-21
309/315 05-19-21
308/314 02-26-20
307/313 02-25-20
306/312 02-24-20
305/311 02-10-20
304/310 01-26-20
303/309 01-01-20
302/308 12-12-19
301/307 08-29-19
300/306 07-17-19
299/305 06-11-19
298/304 03-09-19
297/303 03-09-19
296/302 02-19-19
295/301 02-06-19
294/300 11-05-18
293/299 09-27-18
292/298 07-25-18
291/297 07-10-18
290/296 03-03-18
289/295 12-30-17
288/294 12-07-17
287/293 12-01-17
286/292 11-06-17
285/291 09-23-17
284/290 08-04-17
283/289 06-14-17
282/288 04-29-17
281/287 04-23-17
280/286 04-15-17
279/285 09-03-16
278/284 01-21-17
277/283 11-26-16
276/283 04-14-16
275/281 01-27-16
274/280 01-14-16
273/279 12-23-15
272/278 12-03-15
271/277 11-11-15
270/276 10-01-15
269/275 09-13-15
268/274 09-07-15
267/273 08-20-15
266/272 06-24-15
265/271 06-04-15
264/271 04-23-15
263/270 03-10-15
262/269 03-05-15
261/268 03-03-15
260/267 03-03-15
259/266 03-03-15
258/265 02-25-15
257/264 02-03-15
256/263 02-03-15
255/262 01-01-15
254/261 12-30-14
253/260 12-28-14
252/259 12-19-14
251/258 10-22-14
250/257 10-22-14
249/256 08-08-14
248/255 08-03-14
247/254 07-09-14
246/253 07-06-14
245/252 06-22-14
244/251 05-28-14
243/250 05-17-14
242/249 04-30-14
241/248 05-13-14
240/247 03-11-14
239/246 02-19-14
238/245 01-08-14
237/244 01-07-14
236/243 01-04-14
235/242 12-20-13
234/241 12-12-13
233/240 11-15-13
232/239 11-08-13
231/238 08-28-13
230/237 08-16-13
229/236 08-14-13
228/235 08-14-13
227/234 08-04-13
226/233 08-02-13
225/232 07-23-13
224/231 06-15-13
223/230 06-13-13
222/229 05-17-13
221/228 05-04-13
220/228 04-30-13
219/227 03-31-13
218/226 03-05-13
217/226 03-03-13
216/224 01-19-13
215/223 01-12-13
214/222 01-12-13
213/221 01-09-13
212/220 01-09-13
211/219 01-03-13
210/217 11-14-12
209/216 11-12-12
208/215 11-12-12
207/214 10-20-12
206/213 10-04-12
205/212 08-19-12
204/211 09-17-12
203/210 06-14-12
202/209 05-26-12
201/208 05-02-12
200/207 04-25-12
199/206 04-13-12
Player ID: 4796 | Game ID: 4 | Category ID: 1 | Level ID: 70
Hits: 346 | Hits This Month: 9 | DB Calls: 25 | Mem Usage: 737.80 KB | Time: 0.02s | Printable

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